MuSophia is an open platform dedicated solely to anything and everything about music. What makes it different is the team working for it. The knowledge, the researches and mainly the enthusiasm for music is the driving force behind team Musophia. At this two-way platform, we create as well as receive and publish contents from the readers and audiences. MuSophia is the ultimate platform to express one’s thoughts, philosophy, experiences or knowledge on music. It’s a platform for everyone, willing to know about music and share his/her work(s).
The need for a music platform was always there since the time Bangladeshi musicians started to express themselves with an independent identity, with the independence of this land. But there was hardly any platform dedicated solely towards music. Through the course of time, the mainstream media did cover music related stuffs but as a tool of entertainment, neglecting the alternative aspects and philosophy underneath it. Here, we at Musophia stand apart from other platforms as we see it with a lens of music; and not just of mere entertainment, because music itself is complete, music is life.