Check this list to know the latest releases for the month of May. This register includes a monthly update of almost all the releases, accordingly. Click on the song titles to listen to your favorite one from the chart. You can leave a review of your favorite song in the comment section. You can also tell us which songs are not on the list.
NB: If you are a musician or have a band, you can tell us about your upcoming single or album too. Mail us here with the subject ‘Upcoming Single/Album and it will be included in our next Release Register chart.
This chart includes 34 songs released in May –
Serial | Date | Band/Artist | Song/Album Title | Single/Album |
1 | May 1 | The Tree | Onno Aloy | Single |
2 | May 1 | Tears Of Silence | Sada Tulir Achor | Single |
3 | May 2 | Age of Destitute | Lunar Love | Single |
4 | May 3 | Sunbeer Sarwar | বিষাদ | Single (Debut) |
5 | May 3 | Dream & Desire | আবার ভোর হবে | Single |
6 | May 5 | Ionic Bond | Sword Of The Alchemist | Single |
7 | May 5 | Death Repentance | Hades | Single |
8 | May 6 | Smooches | Dekho | Single |
9 | May 8 | Brothers in Madness | পাথরগুলো | Single |
10 | May 9 | Acropolis | Prasongik | Single |
11 | May 9 | Rockscream | Ma | Single |
12 | May 10 | Shaik Salekin | মা- Maa | Single |
13 | May 10 | Bakhtiar Hossain | Oi Ekta Manush | Poetry |
14 | May 10 | Blue Jeans | Ei Ami | Car Live Video/Single |
15 | May 10 | IMTIAZ ALI ZIMI | মনের কথা | Single |
16 | May 14 | Roman Sacrifice | Tritio | Single |
17 | May 15 | Side Effect | মহা পরিকল্পনা | Single |
18 | May 15 | Unmaad | Toothpick | Single/Official music video |
19 | May 20 | Minar Rahman | Tomar Dokhole | Single |
20 | May 21 | Mizan | Ondho Kritodash | Single |
21 | May 21 | Drohokaal | Onnay Agrashon | Single (Debut) |
22 | May 22 | Leemonade | Brishtir Jonnyo Gaan | Single |
23 | May 23 | Shrapnel Method | Shurjodoy | Single |
24 | May 23 | Samit Manzoor | Tumi | Single |
25 | May 23 | Asif Imran | Notun Vor | Single |
26 | May 23 | Meghdol | Tobu Mon | Single |
27 | May 24 | Oni Hasan | Shrine Revisited | Instrumental |
28 | May 24 | Arafat Mohsin Ft. Zohad | Ek Raat er Golpo | Single |
29 | May 24 | September | Notun Shurjo | Single |
30 | May 25 | Cyanide | Tomar Shunnotae | Single |
31 | May 25 | The Roads | মনে পড়ে | Single (Streaming app only) |
32 | May 25 | Shayan Chowdhury Arnob | Chora Kata | Single |
33 | May 28 | Suhrid Swagata | Ghore Achhi | Single |
34 | May 28 | Theory | Nirbashito Shotta | Single |
Info Gathering and Compilation: Prantik Sikdar Ucchas
Banner: Tanvir Ahmed Abir
Chart Update and Maintenance: Abdur Rakib