With sever amazing numbers we present you the top songs of June. Listen-share-support Bangladeshi bands and their music. Cheerz !!

MuSophia Top Pick is the Monthly Top Chart of Bangladeshi music. Here is last month’s top pick by Team MuSophia. This top chart is made among the Bangladeshi songs released in June.

7Je Gaaner Kono Naam Khuje Pai Ni – Introit

The first single, released by the emerging band Introit. With the catchy guitar lines and groovy bass patterns, the alternative track might make you addicted to the melody. By the way, you might be wondering what heck of a name the song has! Well, to put into Uday’s words, the vocal and frontman of the band, The song tells a never-ending circled story of a psychologically ill boy who hallucinates his girlfriend’s departed soul. For its enigmatic nature, they came up with the title ‘Je Gaaner Kono Nam Khuje Paini’! Written by Uday, tuned by their guitarist Tanjib and composed by Introit, this track is one of many to come.

6Jovial – Shunno Shomvrom

This beautiful thrash metal track is the latest number released by the thrash metal band Jovial. Penned by Prince Dey, the lyrics depict the rape culture prevalent in our society and the consumerist perspective the women are seen from. There is a beautiful recitation at the intro by Chapal Kundu Sneha, which is really into this genre. The tight riffs and solos by Suvasish Chakrabarty Nick, Symon GH, and Rahul Bhattcharjee with insane drum lines and the vocals have been fascinating.

5Ami Kothao Nei – Shaik Salekin

Shaik Salekin has been a prolific name in the scene over the years. Both with his solo works and his band 12 A.M has been quite favorite by the young. He’s been gifting us with some of the most wonderful tracks. This track is no exception, written and tuned by himself, this song reminisces the beloved memories of the friends we have lost along our way. It was written and tuned after 34-year-old talented music director passed away in December 2019. The beautiful words and the rhyme and tune synchronize as perfectly just as it should be.

Also Check: MuSophia’s Pick: Top Bangladeshi Songs of May 2021

4Rajkumari – Tashfee feat. The Attempted Band

The Attempted Band has been prolific over the times, releasing some of the hits of the trends like O Mousumi, Doura Picchi and others. This time they came up with a track different from the previous ones. This track is a powerful blues rock, written and tuned by Arafat Kazi, the drummer and vocal of the band. Sung brilliantly by Tashfia Fatima (Tashfee), this dirty blues track tells the story of love-lust. The vocal strength and range of Tashfee in this track mesmerize us. Released under the label of G series, this song is a must listen even if you are not a The Attempted Band fan.

3Sukhi Manusher Kanna – Jon Kabir

The latest track form Jon Kabir, vocal and front man of the band Indalo, from his solo album Awprasongik is a different one from those he’s made in the past. A bit of fusion between rock and pop, this track gives you a retro vibe of the 80s. Nevertheless Jon has never failed to amaze us with his unique creations, and this time he’s no exception. A great outro bluesy solo by Zubair Hasan. Check this out.

2Osshikar – Messianic Era

This whole album is a bombshell, every number outclassing other numbers, making this a tough job for us to pick one. However, we came up with this track (That’s our job to do, right?). Now in the Bengali band music scene we the listeners have been starving for a perfect prog metal album, and these guys have just gifted us with a bomb. We would consider this album to be compared as the albums – Ashes of the Wake, Deliverance or the Blackwater Park of Bengali band music scene. The songs have been compact to say the least, perfect in every aspects, from badass riffs to ravaging drum lines to heavy bass lines, to mixing and mastering; heavy, compact, perfect might be the words to describe the numbers. Now this track might be the top pick, but never forget to listen to the other tracks, NEVER! For this is a whole new addition to the Bengali prog scene. A new era !

Also Check: MuSophia’s Pick: Top Bangladeshi Songs of April 2021

1Onobhijog – Bohubrihi

The first song of their debut album starts with a bang. They have been quite popular with a few cover numbers but this is their first own track of the upcoming album, and to our wonder they nailed it. Penned beautifully by Fahim Ahasan, the poetic words match beautifully with the alienation and depression we encounter as modern human beings. The storyline behind the song, the lyrics, and the composition picture glimpses of the existential crisis we face from the alienation and the continuous murder of the self. Anik Antar nailed it with the vocal, expressing the melancholia the song needs. Towhidul Islam spills the sauce with the bluesy solo in the song.

Check the top picks at a glance

Featured Image: Tanvir Ahmed Abir
This top chart is made among the Bangladeshi songs released in June. Based on various criteria this selection has been done by Team MuSophia.
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Team MuSophia
Team Musophia consists of young minds deeply passionate about music. The knowledge, the researches and mainly the enthusiasm for music is the driving force behind us. Join us here.



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